Your body consists of innumerable positions on the muscles known as trigger points. These localized positions are sensitive to irritation and are structured as nodules. The specialists who are skilled enough to know the exact positions of these trigger points us the help of insertion of thin filament needles into the skin. Upon entering the skin, the pricks target the trigger points to release the tension in the nodules and in consequence, the results are very much ranged. This process is knowing in the physiotherapy world as dry needling. The name of this therapy is so because of the characteristics of the needle to be non- fluid releasing.

Techniques used to improve the efficiency of dry needling

The techniques of the dry needling therapy vary in time periods frequency and style of the pricks. These techniques are given to patients in accordance with their needs. Om Physio plus Nutrition centre is an advocate of compatible treatment. So, this section of information lay out a general map of specific treatment needed for a specific patient.

For positioning technique, the time between insertion and release of needle is very less. Therefore, it is also known as in and out technique

Other techniques include the treatment of various CNS disorders. Some patients in this spectrum do not need the needles target the trigger points rather the specialist may prick the areas surrounding the trigger points for the release of pain.

We use dry needling therapy for


  • Release the Restriction in movement
  • Increasing the rate of healing
  • Pain relief

To specifically treat:

  • Tension in lower and upper back
  • Neck movement restriction
  • Migraines and cluster headaches
  • Spinal disorders related to its injuries, infections or blocked circulation
  • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
  • Sciatica

At our centre for therapy and nutrition, we offer you the most skilled practitioners to cope up with you conditions so as you will be.

Correctly diagnosed

Relevantly treated

And efficiently advised

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