Neck Pain

7 Things You Can do to Prevent Neck Pain

It is not a rare condition to have neck pain. One thing that is most hard while having this condition is the restriction in performing the daily activities. It makes a person tremendously inefficient when there is a limit in naturally moving your neck. This problem can arise from multiple factors like sleeping on the wrong pillow or injury. Fortunately, all these factors are well known and easily avoidable. Therefore, there are certain majors you can take to completely prevent neck pain. Some of these majors are as follows:

Get Yourself a Suitable Pillow

As sleeping on a wrong/ uncomfortable pillow is the most common cause of this condition, it is best to find yourself a suitable pillow that aligns your spine in a natural position. There is a curve between your upper back and lower head. This curvy posture of the neck should be regulated by your pillow while you are sleeping. Choosing the right pillow is a highly personalized task as there are different pillows that are right for different natural spinal postures.

Having more than one pillow, while sleeping, is a wise thing to do to support your legs as well as the neck to maintain the body posture.

Try to Regulate Your Sleep Posture

Apart from having suitable pillow neck pain prevention can also be done by making yourself learn to sleep in an appropriate posture. Mainly, this posture includes laying on the back posture while supporting your arms with extra pillows. However, appropriate sleep posture can vary from person to person.

People with conditions, like arthritis in the back, find it comfortable to sleep on an inclined bed. Other people prefer sleeping on their side. So, a tip for them is to lower their pillow height while positioning it appropriately between the neck and shoulder.

Have a Good Workplace Setup to Main Your Back Posture

Having your workspace set up by professionals is a good idea when it comes to avoiding issues in the neck and spine. If you cannot do that, you should at least have a comfortable chair that supports your head and your devices like desktops should be placed in a position so that you don’t have to look downwards while using it. Neck pain due to bad posture at the workplace is one of the most common conditions encountered in physiotherapy.

You Must do Stretching Neck Exercises

It is very necessary to strengthen the neck muscles by exercising particularly for that. Exercising the neck area also helps to relieve any strain due to workload. Some of the exercises that one should consider for the neck are:

  • Stretching neck backward
  • Stretching the back neck by bending the head forwards
  • Side to the side neck bending
  • Rotating the neck

If your neck is already stiff you should start these exercises with low resistance and frequency and when you start to feel comfortable, then only you should do these exercises more often.

Do Not Let Yourself Get Dehydrated

When you are hydrated, the bones in your spine become smooth for movements and the discs in the vertebrae become nourished. It is important to not let these discs dry out as in your neck these discs are mostly comprised of water and help in the easy movement of the neck. Your daily intake of water depends on your daily routine. However, it is suggested to drink at least 2 liters of water every day.

Don’t Exhaust One Side of the Body More Than Other

It is obvious that occasionally you might have to carry something with some amount of weight. If you don’t shift the weight regularly from one side to another, you might give a good chance of your body developing neck pain. The weight you carry should never put uneven stress on your body. On the other hand, it is better to get exhausted evenly than to not be exhausted on one side of the body.

Moreover, you should never overburden yourself and while carrying a bearable weight you should always stand up straight.

Consider Physiotherapy to Get rid of Trigger Points

If your neck muscle is irritated by the feeling of having knots in it, you should consider physical therapy to get rid of them by getting massages and other treatments. You can prevent chronic neck pain by getting relieved of conditions like trigger points at the early stages.


It is not necessary to worsen your condition of neck pain. You can easily prevent and manage it by making certain changes in your life. You can also get in touch with a professional physiotherapist to get relieved of conditions like these. It is a wise step to physically go and see a practitioner get personalized and effective care.

To get an appointment at Om Physio Plus Nutrition for the best therapeutic care, call us for Book an Appointment at +918866234725

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