Top 10 daily habits to stop back pain

Top 10 daily habits to stop back pain

The main cause of adult disability is chronic back pain. Even while you can get hurt, persistent back pain is more likely to appear gradually through years of daily routines that place additional strain on your spine. Ten everyday routines to prevent back discomfort can help shield the spinal column from unneeded stresses brought on by aging. Small lifestyle adjustments can make all the difference to sustaining lifetime back health. Keep reading below to learn more about ways to back pain management and avoid back pain.

By making a few minor adjustments to your daily routine, you may maintain your back’s health and pain-free condition for a very long time.

As you sleep, place a pillow beneath your knees.

Raising your legs relieves pressure on your back while you sleep. When you lie on your back to sleep, your spine is compressed. By putting a pillow under your knees, you can reduce that pressure in half, which leads to effective back pain management.

What is back pain?

Back pain is one of the most frequent causes of missed work or medical attention. It is the most typical cause of incapacity worldwide.

What causes back pain?

The following ailments are commonly related to back pain:

  •     Muscle or ligament strain: Back muscles and spinal ligaments can be strained by repeated heavy lifting or a sudden awkward movement. People who aren’t in decent physical shape may experience uncomfortable muscle spasms due to ongoing back stress.
  •     Bulging or ruptured discs: Discs serve as a cushion between the bones in the spine. A disc’s fragile interior could expand or burst, putting pressure on a nerve. However, a ruptured or bulging disc may not necessarily be the source of back pain. Disc disease is frequently discovered on spine X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs performed for another purpose.
  •     Arthritis: Lower back pain can result from osteoarthritis. A problem called spinal stenosis, commonly referred to as a narrowing of the space around the spinal cord can occasionally be brought on by arthritis in the spine.
  •     Osteoporosis: If the bones become porous and brittle, the spine’s vertebrae may suffer severe breakage.

Activate your core

A regular strength-training routine that stresses your core muscles can reduce your risk of back-related illnesses, including strains and muscle spasms. Try including back and abdominal strengthening exercises in your routine at least twice weekly to build a stronger, more flexible back.

Increase your calcium and vitamin D intake

Osteoporosis can be avoided by having strong bones. It is among the most frequent causes of back discomfort in older people, especially women. By getting enough calcium and vitamin D into your diet, you can maintain the strength of your spine’s bones.

  • milk
  • yogurt
  • Leafy vegetables
  • dietary vitamin supplement

Vitamin D is in:

  • fatty seafood
  • yolks of eggs
  • beef liver
  • cheese

Switch up your footwear

To avoid back pain, put on a cozy pair of low-heeled shoes. Shoes with a one-inch heel or less are the best option for your back. They relieve the strain that upright exerts on your back.

Stand straight up

More than merely a way to look more sophisticated, proper posture has other benefits. It protects the delicate components of your spine so they can remain healthy and efficient. Because of bad posture, your back is put under tension and strain, thus, changing the structure of your spine. Avoid slouching, hunching your shoulders, or bending when standing.

Avoid slouching over your workstation.

If you spend a lot of time sitting down each day, it’s essential to maintain proper posture and support your back. When you sit, ensure your knees are slightly higher than your hips and that the chair you choose offers strong support for your lower back. Use the same good posture practices when standing and sitting in an office chair.


Avoid standing or sitting in one spot when attending an office party or happy hour at a pub. To avoid stressing your spine, which can happen if you stand stationary for a long time, move around the area.

Put that cigarette out.

Smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop back pain, a severe health risk. One explanation for this is nicotine restricts blood flow to the discs in the spine. Smoking also decreases blood oxygen levels, which reduces the nutrients available to the tendons and muscles in the back. They might dry out, crack, or rupture due to this. Unintentional strains and pulls that result in back injuries are more likely to happen when the back is frail and ill.

Reduce your workload

Although it can happen to anybody who lifts something awkwardly or heavily, back discomfort is most common in office workers who handle big boxes. Your back may be stressed if you carry a large bag, such as a suitcase, camera, or groceries. Reduce your weight, distribute it evenly across both sides of your body, or shift it from one shoulder to the other to lighten the load on your shoulders. For heavy goods like grocery bags or file boxes, think about utilizing a rolling cart or suitcase with wheels.


Your back will suffer if you stand, sit, or sleep still for a long time. Get up, move around, and perform some simple stretches whenever you can to reduce daytime tension. By doing this, you’ll improve blood circulation to your back. It can also ease any discomfort or strain brought on by inactivity.

When to visit a doctor?

Home treatment and self-care gradually improve most back pain over a few weeks. Should you experience any of the following symptoms of back pain:

  • It continues for more than a few weeks
  • It is serious and does not get better with rest
  • Spreads down one or both legs, mainly if the discomfort is below the knee
  • Results in tingling, numbness, or weakness in one or both legs
  • It also includes undiagnosed weight loss

Back discomfort occasionally indicates a significant medical condition. When you have back discomfort, seek immediate care if:

  • Results in fresh bowel or bladder issues
  • Is coupled with a fever
  • Occurs after a fall, back injury, or other incidents.

In the end,

The frequent absence from work and medical appointments due to back pain. It might be excruciating and paralyzing. Various medical conditions, injuries, and physical activity can bring it on. Any age group may develop back pain for a variety of causes. As people age, lower back pain is more likely to appear due to previous jobs and degenerative disc disease.

Lower back pain may be caused by a variety of structures, including the bony lumbar spine, the discs between the vertebrae, the ligaments that surround the spine and discs, the spinal cord and nerves, the lower back muscles, the abdominal and internal pelvic organs, and the skin in the lumbar region.

Back management may sound difficult, but with proper guidance, it is not. Most individuals can’t get relief from severe back pain because of improper medication and wrong exercises.

Do not hesitate to contact Dr. Niraj Patel if you want the best care possible for your medical problems. He’s one of Om physio’s most well-known medical professionals. He will treat you with utmost care and with proper treatment. Don’t let your back pain stop you from achieving wonders with the best doctor: Dr. Niraj Patel!

Manual Therapy

Role of Physiotherapy in the Treatment of Back Pain

One of the most common causes of delayed work due to bodily discomfort is back pain. It is seen that Back pain can affect all the range of ages. The reasons for the development of back pain are specific to an individual. Some of the common causes of this condition are injury, bad posture, lumbar discs, strain structural problems, age, etc.

Physiotherapy can help in the treatment of back pain, and it is one of the most suggested treatment options from the doctors to help in getting relieved from this condition. For the treatment of back pain, physiotherapy can be used as some specific method or combined techniques to target a specific location of the back.

As the back of human beings is the characteristic feature of this species, it has consisted of complex structures such as vertebrae. In this blog, we will learn how physiotherapy helps in the treatment of disorders in such a complex system.

How is the patient with back pain examined?

There are international guidelines according to which the back pain of an individual is examined for categorization. This categorization means to put the individual in a category of general disorders such as injury, fracture, strains, cancer, infection, etc. Based on this categorization, the physiotherapist is well able to rule out the causes of back pain in the patient. Statistically, it is seen that 90% of the causes of back pain are non-specific and can be treated with the treatment options offered by physiotherapy.

When the patient is examined, the aim of this assessment remains to locate the origin of pain and the factors that might have helped in the progression of pain. These factors include age, gender, work, mental health, etc.

After this first stage of examination, the patient is treated based on the protocols suitable for managing the specific condition of the back pain. The response of the patient to these treatments is noted and if there is no improvement in the condition, the patient is recommended to diagnostic management where techniques such as diagnostic imaging are used to further investigate the cause of back pain.

Treatment options for back pain in physiotherapy

Treatment options that physiotherapy offers for back pain have been continuously proven to be effective. It is important to know that the efficacy of these treatments is enhanced by:

  • Choosing a skilled and experienced physiotherapist
  • Receiving these treatments as soon as possible

The treatment options for back pain in physiotherapy focus on:

  • Enhancing the natural bodily movements
  • Manipulating the targeted areas of the back
  • Mobilization of those targeted areas
  • Increasing the strength of the muscles that have been affected
  • Making the muscles more stable
  • Identifying the best exercises for a specific patient
  • Suggesting a better workplace for improvements in the back
  • Correcting the posture of the patient

These aims are achieved by active and passive physical therapy techniques in physiotherapy, which include:

  • Involving the patient in leg and back stretches for better performance in the exercise
  • For the muscles to strengthen in the back, certain prescribed exercises such as lumbar spine stabilization exercises to improve cardiovascular condition
  • Dry needling
  • Massages
  • Manual therapies
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Thermal packs


Apart from all the physiotherapy techniques used to treat back pain, regular exercise is the key factor that prevents the development of such a condition. The set of regular exercises of the individual should include those ones which target the back, abdomen, buttocks, trunk, hamstrings, and arms. Physiotherapy is not only a treatment option but also a source of information to prevent you from such conditions. All the daily habits that you need to incorporate in your life for the betterment of your skeletal, as well as muscular system, are part of the advice that a skilled physiotherapist can only give you.

Choose the best physiotherapist for your back pain treatment. At Om Physio plus Nutrition center, a Physiotherapy clinic in Ahmedabad, you’ll get the treatment as well as the information related to all the preventive measures for back pain.

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