Hip Pain-physiotherapy treatment

Hip Pain Common Causes and Effective Physiotherapy Treatment

Hip pain is a common problem that can impact a person’s quality of life. Various factors, including injuries, overuse, arthritis, and other medical conditions, can cause it. Effective physiotherapy can help to alleviate hip pain and improve mobility, allowing individuals to return to their daily activities with greater ease and comfort. In this blog, we will explore the causes of hip pain and the various physiotherapy techniques that can be used to treat it.

We will discuss the importance of early intervention, proper diagnosis, and developing a personalized treatment plan. We will also provide tips on preventing hip pain and maintaining hip health. Whether you are an athlete dealing with a sports injury or an older adult experiencing hip pain due to aging or arthritis, this blog will provide you with valuable information and practical strategies for managing your hip pain and improving your overall quality of life.

More about Hip Pain

Hip pain is a common condition affecting people of all ages and lifestyles. Various factors, including injuries, overuse, medical conditions such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, and structural issues such as hip dysplasia, can cause it. Below mentioned are the most common symptoms of hip pain:

  • Pain in the hip joint
  • Difficulty moving the hip joint
  • Stiffness and decreased range of motion
  • Hip enlargement or discomfort
  • Clicking or popping sensations in the hip joint

Hip pain can significantly impact a person’s quality of life, making it difficult to perform daily activities such as walking, standing, and sitting for extended periods. In some cases, it can also lead to disability. Early intervention and proper diagnosis are crucial when managing hip pain. A thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist, can help determine the underlying cause of the pain and develop a personalized treatment plan. Physiotherapists use various techniques to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and promote healing. These may include manual therapy, exercise therapy, electrotherapy, and proper posture and movement patterns education. Surgery may sometimes be necessary to address the underlying cause of hip pain. However, physiotherapy can often be an effective alternative or complementary treatment option to help individuals manage their pain and improve their quality of life.

Causes of Hip Pain

Below mentioned are the causes of hip pain:

  • Injuries: Hip pain can be caused by traumatic injuries such as falls, fractures, dislocations, and muscle strains or tears
  • Overuse: Repetitive activities or overuse can cause inflammation and pain in the hip joint. It is common in athletes or people who engage in activities that require repetitive hip movements, such as running, dancing, or cycling
  • Medical conditions: Several conditions can cause hip pain, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, and synovitis
  • Structural issues: Structural issues in the hip joint, such as hip dysplasia, impingement, and labral tears, can cause hip pain
  • Infection: In rare cases, hip pain can be caused by an infection in the hip joint
  • Nerve-related issues: Nerve-related issues, such as sciatica or piriformis syndrome, can cause pain in the hip area
  • Cancer: Although rare, hip pain can also be caused by cancer that has spread to the hip joint

See a healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist or physician, if you are experiencing hip pain. They can help determine the underlying cause of the pain and develop a personalized treatment plan to help alleviate your symptoms.

Hip Pain Treatment

Hip pain treatment can vary depending on the underlying cause of the pain. Here are some common treatment options:

  • Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy is often a first-line treatment for hip pain. It may involve manual exercise and electrotherapy to reduce pain and inflammation, improve joint mobility and muscle strength, and restore function. Physiotherapists may also educate patients on proper posture and movement patterns to reduce strain on the hip joint
  • Medications: Over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can manage mild to moderate hip pain. Sometimes, prescription medications, such as corticosteroids or disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), may be necessary to treat underlying medical conditions
  • Injections: Injections of corticosteroids or hyaluronic acid into the hip joint can help reduce pain and inflammation and improve joint mobility
  • Surgery: In cases where conservative treatments are ineffective, surgery may be necessary to address the underlying cause of hip pain. Surgery options may include arthroscopy, osteotomy, or joint replacement surgery
  • Lifestyle modifications: Making lifestyle modifications can also help manage hip pain. It may include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding activities that exacerbate the pain, using assistive devices such as canes or walkers, and engaging in low-impact exercises such as swimming or cycling

Working with a healthcare professional like a physiotherapist or physician is vital to determine the best treatment approach for your hip pain. They can help develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your needs and goals.

Hip Pain Physiotherapy Treatment

Hip discomfort can be effectively treated with physiotherapy. Here are some common physiotherapy treatments for hip pain:

  • Manual therapy: This involves hands-on techniques such as massage, joint mobilization, and stretching to reduce pain, improve joint mobility, and increase muscle flexibility
  • Exercise therapy: This involves specific exercises to strengthen the muscles around the hip joint and improve joint mobility. Strengthening exercises may include squats, lunges, leg presses, and hip extensions. Flexibility exercises may include stretching the hip flexors, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles
  • Electrotherapy: Electrotherapy modalities such as ultrasound, TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), and IFT (interferential therapy) can reduce pain and inflammation and promote tissue healing
  • Education: Physiotherapists may educate patients on proper posture and movement patterns to reduce strain on the hip joint. They may also guide you on using assistive devices such as canes or walkers
  • Home exercise program: A home exercise program can help patients maintain their progress outside of physiotherapy sessions. Physiotherapists may provide patients with specific exercises to do at home to continue their progress

With proper treatment, many people can effectively manage their hip pain and improve their quality of life. It’s important to work with a physiotherapist like Dr. Niraj Patel to develop a personalized treatment plan for your hip pain. They can assess your needs and develop a treatment plan for your goals.

Call to Action

Hip pain can be a debilitating condition that affects your quality of life, but with the help of effective physiotherapy, you can manage your symptoms and improve your overall function. If you are experiencing hip pain, seeking help from a qualified healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist like Dr. Niraj Patel, who can assess your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan to meet your needs is important. Effective physiotherapy treatment for hip pain may include manual therapy, exercise therapy, electrotherapy, education, and a home exercise program. Dr. Niraj Patel can help you identify the underlying cause of your hip pain and develop a comprehensive treatment plan to help you manage your symptoms and improve your function.

Myths and Facts About Physiotherapy Treatment

Myths and Facts About Physiotherapy Treatment

Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is a healthcare profession that aims to improve the mobility, function, and quality of life of people suffering from injury, illness, or disability. Physiotherapy is a safe, effective, and non-invasive way of treating a variety of conditions and has many benefits. Despite its popularity and proven efficacy, there are still many myths and misconceptions surrounding physiotherapy treatment. In this blog, we will be exploring ten of these myths and the corresponding facts to help you understand the true nature of physiotherapy.

Myth 1: Physiotherapy is only for athletes and sportspersons

Fact: Physiotherapy is not just for athletes and sportspersons but for anyone who is looking to improve their physical health and well-being. Physiotherapy can help individuals of all ages and fitness levels recover from injury, improve their posture, manage chronic conditions, and much more.

Myth 2: Physiotherapy is only for people with serious injuries

Fact: Physiotherapy is not just for individuals with serious injuries but for those with a wide range of conditions and impairments. Physiotherapy can help with conditions such as back pain, neck pain, arthritis, joint pain, headaches, and more.

Myth 3: Physiotherapy is a one-time treatment

Fact: Physiotherapy is not a one-time treatment but a comprehensive and ongoing process. Physiotherapy typically involves a series of visits and can take several weeks or months to achieve the desired results, depending on the condition being treated.

Myth 4: Physiotherapy is only for people with physical impairments

Fact: Physiotherapy is not just for individuals with physical impairments but can also help people with neurological conditions. Physiotherapy can help improve the function and quality of life of individuals with conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and more.

Myth 5: Physiotherapy is painful

Fact: Physiotherapy should never be painful. While some physiotherapy exercises may cause mild discomfort, a physiotherapist will always work with you to ensure that your treatment is comfortable and safe. If you experience pain during physiotherapy, it is important to communicate this with your physiotherapist so they can adjust your treatment accordingly.

Myth 6: Physiotherapy is not effective

Fact: Physiotherapy is an evidence-based healthcare profession and has been proven to be effective in treating a wide range of conditions. Physiotherapy can help individuals improve their physical function, reduce pain, and improve their overall quality of life.

Myth 7: Physiotherapy is too expensive

Fact: The cost of physiotherapy varies depending on the location and the type of treatment you receive. However, many insurance plans cover physiotherapy, and the benefits of physiotherapy often outweigh the costs in the long run. By helping you recover from injury and manage chronic conditions, physiotherapy can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for medication and other treatments.

Myth 8: Physiotherapy is a waste of time

Fact: Physiotherapy is not a waste of time but an investment in your health and well-being. Physiotherapy can help you recover from injury, manage chronic conditions, and improve your physical function and quality of life.

Myth 9: Physiotherapy is the same as massage

Fact: Physiotherapy and massage are not the same things. While massage can be a component of physiotherapy, physiotherapy is a comprehensive healthcare profession that uses a wide range of treatments and techniques to improve the physical function and well-being of individuals. Top of Form

As a Physiotherapist, I often come across patients who are unaware of the benefits and limitations of physiotherapy treatment. The list of myths and facts about physiotherapy treatment can help you make an informed decision about seeking physiotherapy services.


One of the Best Physiotherapists, Dr. Niraj Patel, is Practicing at Om Physio Plus Nutrition & Yoga Center. He is a highly experienced doctor who has been providing quality treatment to his patients for many years.

During Pregnancy

How Physiotherapy Can Help During Pregnancy

Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is an evidence-based technique that involves the science of movement to promote healing and holistic fitness. It includes a wide array of exercises and massages. While any person, irrespective of age and gender, can benefit from this technique, physiotherapy during pregnancy has well-defined advantages.

Significance of Physiotherapy For Pregnant Women

Our body produces a hormone known as relaxing. While both men and women form relaxation, this hormone is primarily produced in pregnant women. It is responsible for preventing any damage to a woman’s body during childbirth.

The production of relaxation increases significantly during the second trimester. Primarily, this hormone is aimed at loosening the birth canal and preparing your body for childbirth. However, besides the birth canal, high levels of relaxin result in the loosening of other ligaments in your body.

While on one hand relaxing facilitates the flow of blood, it leads to muscle, joint, and body pain, on the other. This side-effect of relaxing is the fundamental cause of your lower back pain during pregnancy. Physiotherapy during pregnancy is a helpful approach in dealing with the pain resulting from an increase in relaxin. This practice can assist in alleviating muscle pain through the means of specific exercises and massages. The targeted exercises not only help in reducing pain but also maintain the strength of muscles.

Which Issues Can Physiotherapy Address?

As discussed above, physiotherapy can help in reducing pain and improving the strength of muscles. While most pregnant women complain of lower back pain, there are other areas that physical therapy can help with.

Some common issues pregnancy physiotherapy can deal with are:

  • Upper back pain
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Sciatica (pain that radiates from the lower back through hips and buttocks to the leg)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (a condition that causes numbness, tingling, or weakness in your hand)
  • Pelvic girdle pain (pain in front and back of the pelvis)
  • Bladder issues

Posture changes – posture changes during pregnancy are necessary, but can also be painful or uncomfortable, especially if you have any past injuries that can be aggravated. Physiotherapy can help you accommodate the necessary postural changes and decrease the pain associated with them.

It is important to remember that the source of your pain and discomfort is the increase in levels of relaxation. However, the location of your pain can be unique. The role of physiotherapy in pregnancy is to identify the precise location of the pain and address it to minimize ache.

What are the Benefits of Physiotherapy During Pregnancy?

Physiotherapy benefits pregnant women in multiple ways. The role of physiotherapy in pregnancy has both, long and short-term advantages. Some of the top benefits include:

  • Reliving lower back pain: During the early stages of your pregnancy, your body prepares itself to accommodate the growth of your child. It further continues to prepare for delivery. In its attempt to assist you during this journey, your ligaments stretch and become soft. Simultaneously, as your child grows inside you, your size increases, and you gain weight. Due to this weight gain, your body’s centre of gravity shifts and moves forward leading to additional pressure on your lower back. Physiotherapy and exercise during pregnancy can help in alleviating lower back pain.
  • Strengthening pelvic floor muscles: It is popularly known how pregnancy makes you urinate more. During pregnancy, you will experience an increased flow of blood in your body. This increased blood flow puts your kidneys to extra work and releases extra fluid leading to increased urination. Sometimes, however, increased urination and weakened pelvic floor muscles can cause urinary incontinence. Incontinence is a highly common side-effect of pregnancy. Physiotherapy can help in reducing incontinence by strengthening muscles by offering pelvic floor exercises. There is various exercise during pregnancy such as kegel exercises that you can learn from a verified physiotherapist to train your bladder.
  • Preparing for labour and delivery: While the course of pregnancy may be smooth, childbirth is a highly taxing event. Your body requires high levels of strength and flexibility to naturally induce labour and deliver a fully grown baby. Due to the need for core strength and flexible muscles, pregnant women are asked to consistently remain physically active (unless advised by the doctor). Physiotherapy is a good alternative to monotonous physical activities. A physiotherapist can train you to push effectively during delivery. You can also practice a range of pelvic floor exercises to help you prepare for labour and childbirth.
  • Assisting in posture changes during pregnancy: As discussed above, the centre of your gravity may shift during pregnancy. The increased pressure on your lower back can cause your uterus to move slightly forward. Similarly, the weakened lower back muscles can cause you to lean forward with bent shoulders, neck, and mid-back. The transition in the position of these muscles can change your posture. Physiotherapy is an effective medical tool that helps in correcting posture during pregnancy.
  • Relieving from carpal tunnel syndrome:  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common side-effect of pregnancy. It is a medical condition that causes numbness and tingling sensation in the hand and arm. The increased volume of blood in your body during pregnancy can lead to nerve compression, particularly in the wrist area (because it is comparatively narrow). This nerve compression can cause numbness, pain, and tingling in your hand and arm. Physiotherapy addresses Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by focusing on pain management and consistent blood flow.


Your choices during pregnancy will help in deciding the health of your fetus. Physiotherapy during pregnancy is a preferable choice for expectant women who wish to inculcate exercise and relaxation in their life.




Manual Therapy

Role of Physiotherapy in the Treatment of Back Pain

One of the most common causes of delayed work due to bodily discomfort is back pain. It is seen that Back pain can affect all the range of ages. The reasons for the development of back pain are specific to an individual. Some of the common causes of this condition are injury, bad posture, lumbar discs, strain structural problems, age, etc.

Physiotherapy can help in the treatment of back pain, and it is one of the most suggested treatment options from the doctors to help in getting relieved from this condition. For the treatment of back pain, physiotherapy can be used as some specific method or combined techniques to target a specific location of the back.

As the back of human beings is the characteristic feature of this species, it has consisted of complex structures such as vertebrae. In this blog, we will learn how physiotherapy helps in the treatment of disorders in such a complex system.

How is the patient with back pain examined?

There are international guidelines according to which the back pain of an individual is examined for categorization. This categorization means to put the individual in a category of general disorders such as injury, fracture, strains, cancer, infection, etc. Based on this categorization, the physiotherapist is well able to rule out the causes of back pain in the patient. Statistically, it is seen that 90% of the causes of back pain are non-specific and can be treated with the treatment options offered by physiotherapy.

When the patient is examined, the aim of this assessment remains to locate the origin of pain and the factors that might have helped in the progression of pain. These factors include age, gender, work, mental health, etc.

After this first stage of examination, the patient is treated based on the protocols suitable for managing the specific condition of the back pain. The response of the patient to these treatments is noted and if there is no improvement in the condition, the patient is recommended to diagnostic management where techniques such as diagnostic imaging are used to further investigate the cause of back pain.

Treatment options for back pain in physiotherapy

Treatment options that physiotherapy offers for back pain have been continuously proven to be effective. It is important to know that the efficacy of these treatments is enhanced by:

  • Choosing a skilled and experienced physiotherapist
  • Receiving these treatments as soon as possible

The treatment options for back pain in physiotherapy focus on:

  • Enhancing the natural bodily movements
  • Manipulating the targeted areas of the back
  • Mobilization of those targeted areas
  • Increasing the strength of the muscles that have been affected
  • Making the muscles more stable
  • Identifying the best exercises for a specific patient
  • Suggesting a better workplace for improvements in the back
  • Correcting the posture of the patient

These aims are achieved by active and passive physical therapy techniques in physiotherapy, which include:

  • Involving the patient in leg and back stretches for better performance in the exercise
  • For the muscles to strengthen in the back, certain prescribed exercises such as lumbar spine stabilization exercises to improve cardiovascular condition
  • Dry needling
  • Massages
  • Manual therapies
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Thermal packs


Apart from all the physiotherapy techniques used to treat back pain, regular exercise is the key factor that prevents the development of such a condition. The set of regular exercises of the individual should include those ones which target the back, abdomen, buttocks, trunk, hamstrings, and arms. Physiotherapy is not only a treatment option but also a source of information to prevent you from such conditions. All the daily habits that you need to incorporate in your life for the betterment of your skeletal, as well as muscular system, are part of the advice that a skilled physiotherapist can only give you.

Choose the best physiotherapist for your back pain treatment. At Om Physio plus Nutrition center, a Physiotherapy clinic in Ahmedabad, you’ll get the treatment as well as the information related to all the preventive measures for back pain.

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