Manual Therapy

Role of Physiotherapy in the Treatment of Back Pain

One of the most common causes of delayed work due to bodily discomfort is back pain. It is seen that Back pain can affect all the range of ages. The reasons for the development of back pain are specific to an individual. Some of the common causes of this condition are injury, bad posture, lumbar discs, strain structural problems, age, etc.

Physiotherapy can help in the treatment of back pain, and it is one of the most suggested treatment options from the doctors to help in getting relieved from this condition. For the treatment of back pain, physiotherapy can be used as some specific method or combined techniques to target a specific location of the back.

As the back of human beings is the characteristic feature of this species, it has consisted of complex structures such as vertebrae. In this blog, we will learn how physiotherapy helps in the treatment of disorders in such a complex system.

How is the patient with back pain examined?

There are international guidelines according to which the back pain of an individual is examined for categorization. This categorization means to put the individual in a category of general disorders such as injury, fracture, strains, cancer, infection, etc. Based on this categorization, the physiotherapist is well able to rule out the causes of back pain in the patient. Statistically, it is seen that 90% of the causes of back pain are non-specific and can be treated with the treatment options offered by physiotherapy.

When the patient is examined, the aim of this assessment remains to locate the origin of pain and the factors that might have helped in the progression of pain. These factors include age, gender, work, mental health, etc.

After this first stage of examination, the patient is treated based on the protocols suitable for managing the specific condition of the back pain. The response of the patient to these treatments is noted and if there is no improvement in the condition, the patient is recommended to diagnostic management where techniques such as diagnostic imaging are used to further investigate the cause of back pain.

Treatment options for back pain in physiotherapy

Treatment options that physiotherapy offers for back pain have been continuously proven to be effective. It is important to know that the efficacy of these treatments is enhanced by:

  • Choosing a skilled and experienced physiotherapist
  • Receiving these treatments as soon as possible

The treatment options for back pain in physiotherapy focus on:

  • Enhancing the natural bodily movements
  • Manipulating the targeted areas of the back
  • Mobilization of those targeted areas
  • Increasing the strength of the muscles that have been affected
  • Making the muscles more stable
  • Identifying the best exercises for a specific patient
  • Suggesting a better workplace for improvements in the back
  • Correcting the posture of the patient

These aims are achieved by active and passive physical therapy techniques in physiotherapy, which include:

  • Involving the patient in leg and back stretches for better performance in the exercise
  • For the muscles to strengthen in the back, certain prescribed exercises such as lumbar spine stabilization exercises to improve cardiovascular condition
  • Dry needling
  • Massages
  • Manual therapies
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Thermal packs


Apart from all the physiotherapy techniques used to treat back pain, regular exercise is the key factor that prevents the development of such a condition. The set of regular exercises of the individual should include those ones which target the back, abdomen, buttocks, trunk, hamstrings, and arms. Physiotherapy is not only a treatment option but also a source of information to prevent you from such conditions. All the daily habits that you need to incorporate in your life for the betterment of your skeletal, as well as muscular system, are part of the advice that a skilled physiotherapist can only give you.

Choose the best physiotherapist for your back pain treatment. At Om Physio plus Nutrition center, a Physiotherapy clinic in Ahmedabad, you’ll get the treatment as well as the information related to all the preventive measures for back pain.

Chiropractic Therapy

6 Benefits of Chiropractic Therapy

One of the most common health problems prevalent in today’s world is related to joints and bones. The reason for this issue becoming a serious common problem of the world population is the consistent denials of actual treatment people must hear from the doctors. Now as this problem is arising as new chaos for working-class people, they are starting to wonder if there is any other reliable treatment for their condition. Here is where the practice of chiropractic therapy comes in. In this blog, we will intend to make us first understand what chiropractic therapy is and then layout 6 benefits of chiropractic therapy

What is chiropractic therapy?

Any medication or medical procedure is done on the patient relies on the miraculous property of the body to heal itself. Now medications act as the catalysts for certain natural metabolisms and procedures act as the reordering techniques to put the disordered function of the body back into its own form. Chiropractic therapy is based on the same principle of the body to heal itself on its own but to manipulate the healing of problematic bones and joints; it uses the assistance of specialized hand movements and varying pressures. The purpose of these manipulations is the eventual pain relief by realigning some joints and bones, tissues, and muscles.

Some benefits of chiropractic therapy

Relieves back pain

The general treatment of chronic back pain may include going through surgical procedures and being on painkillers. These painkillers can become a cause of long-term kidney-related issues and therefore are much harmful than being a treatment. Chiropractic therapy is an effective substitute for the harmful and invasive treatments of back pain. By using the procedure of manipulation of the spine, chiropractors can improve the issues related to back pain by a significant statistical amount in the USA.

Relieves pain caused by osteoarthritis

Among the types of arthritis, osteoarthritis is the one that causes gradual degeneration of cartilage between the joints. One of the most common areas of the body where the symptoms of this condition can be felt is in the knees. When the cartilage between the joints of the knees degenerates, the bones rub against each other causing immense pain. As it is a known fact that cartilage regeneration cannot be done by any procedure in the world, the same applies to chiropractic therapy. However, it is seen and made evident that the pain caused by osteoarthritis can be significantly minimized by chiropractic therapy. Chiropractic therapy can also slow down the degradation in cartilage caused by osteoarthritis

Reduces headache

People, for whom the work orients around a desk and a chair, tend to have tensed necks. This tension in the neck becomes apparent in the body through consistent headaches. Through the manipulation of the spine, chiropractors can relieve this tension in the neck and cause headaches in the affected person relieved.

Reduces the bent in the spine

In some people, due to some unproven reasons, the spine can become deformed in such a way that a bent is created in it. This condition is known to be scoliosis. Chiropractic therapy is proved to be the most effective treatment of this condition. By far 8-10 weeks of chiropractic treatment is said to have inevitable improvements on the deformed curvature of the spine.

Improves posture and increases serotonin

Poor posture can be easily related to lowered serotonin levels in the body. The amount of serotonin in the body is directly linked to the person’s confidence level. Bad posture can be a cause of those conditions which you may have never imagined to be linked to it, such as social anxiety, depression, etc. Chiropractic therapy can be used to correct improper posture caused by inappropriate sitting or sleeping.

By solving the problems in the posture chiropractic therapy treats the following conditions linked to it:

  • Reduced eyesight
  • Headache
  • Leg pain
  • Reduced confidence

Helps to be athletically more active

Chiropractors specialize in the specific manipulation of your joints and bones. By relieving every tension in your spine and other joints of the body, chiropractic therapy helps you to be more mobile and flexible. These improvements in the body are the cornerstones of the performance of every good athlete.


Chiropractic therapies are mainly used to treat musculoskeletal disorders. These disorders mainly include pain as their symptoms. Sometimes the disorder of a patient requires the assistance of both chiropractic and physical therapy. The practice of chiropractic therapy requires the manipulation of different body parts with the hands. For these therapies to be effective and beneficial, one should ensure that they are getting treated by an expert chiropractor.

At Om Physio Plus Nutrition, you will be provided with all the above-mentioned benefits of chiropractor therapy because our practitioners are only from experienced backgrounds.

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