Why are physiotherapy exercises important for joint replacement

Why Are Physiotherapy Exercises Important for Joint Replacement?

After the grueling experience of joint replacement surgery, patients are often left to endure excruciating pain and mobility issues. However, there is hope on the horizon with the implementation of physiotherapy exercises. This practice has become a crucial component of postoperative care, designed to mitigate pain and inflammation while improving overall function. Through this blog, we will explore various subjects related to physiotherapy after joint replacement, including preoperative physiotherapy, managing pain and inflammation, strengthening exercises, mobility aids, common challenges, preventing complications, returning to daily activities, etc. By embracing these topics, patients can take ownership of their recovery, gaining a deeper understanding of the procedures and tools required to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Why should you consider preoperative physiotherapy?

Before delving into the harrowing experience of joint replacement surgery, one must consider the importance of preoperative physiotherapy. This preparation is a critical element in achieving optimal outcomes post-surgery. By undertaking a thorough assessment of physical and functional capacity, preoperative physiotherapy allows for the creation of personalized exercise programs to enhance joint range of motion, muscle strength, and endurance. This approach provides patients with the tools necessary to accelerate the rehabilitation exercise program, reduce post-operative complications, and foster a positive mindset going into the procedure. Through preoperative physiotherapy, patients can face the upcoming surgery with confidence, allowing for faster recovery and improved postoperative outcomes. In essence, preoperative physiotherapy is a fundamental aspect of the comprehensive approach to physiotherapy after joint replacement, offering a proactive means of preparing patients for the challenges that lie ahead.

Physiotherapy exercises important for joint replacement

What are the pre-operative physiotherapy exercises?

  • Passive range-of-motion exercises: Ankle pumps and knee extensions keep the joints limber and primed for the coming surgery. Performed while lying down or sitting, these exercises can be done solo or with the help of a physiotherapist.
  • Isometric exercises: Build strength in the muscles surrounding the joint without increasing joint stress by squeezing and holding the muscles. Examples include glute squeezes, quad sets, and hamstring sets, and they can be done while lying down, sitting, or standing.
  • Dynamic exercises: Move the joints through their full range of motion to increase strength, balance, and overall physical fitness. Examples include leg lifts, squats, lunges, and step-ups. Body weight, resistance bands, or weights can be used for these exercises.
  • Aerobic exercises: Enhance cardiovascular endurance with cycling, swimming, or brisk walking. Low-impact and easy on the joints, these exercises are ideal for patients preparing for joint replacement surgery.
  • Water-based exercises: The buoyancy of water can help reduce the impact on the joints, making swimming or aqua aerobics excellent for improving physical fitness before surgery.
  • Balance exercises: Improve balance to reduce the risk of falls after surgery. Single-leg balance, heel-to-toe walking, and tandem stance can help improve balance and reduce the risk of falls.
  • Stretching exercises: Increase flexibility and range of motion before surgery with calf, hamstring, and quad stretches. These can be done before or after other exercises or as a standalone activity.

In essence, incorporating a variety of physiotherapy exercises before joint replacement surgery can help patients increase their range of motion, build strength, and improve overall physical fitness, leading to better outcomes and a higher quality of life post-surgery

What are the different strategies to reduce pain after joint replacement?

After joint replacement surgery, the pain and inflammation can be mighty foes to overcome. But there are strategies that can be implemented during physiotherapy after joint replacement to manage them effectively.

  • Medications: Opioids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are potent weapons in the battle against post-operative pain and inflammation. However, these medications should be used as prescribed by a physician.
  • Ice therapy: The chill of ice can work wonders in reducing swelling and easing pain. The joint should be iced for 20-30 minutes several times a day to bring the inflammation down.
  • Compression therapy: Compression stockings or bandages can also aid in reducing swelling and improving blood flow to the affected joint.
  • Elevation: Keeping the joint elevated above heart level can promote better blood flow and assist in reducing swelling.
  • Physiotherapy exercise: Movement and gentle exercise can help prevent Joint Stiffness and encourage healing. Doing exercises like ankle pumps and heel slides can enhance the range of motion and relieve pain and stiffness.
  • Heat therapy: Applying heat to the affected joint can also promote blood flow and hasten healing. Warm towels, heating pads, and hot water bottles are useful heat sources.

How can physiotherapy exercises help after joint surgery?

After joint replacement surgery, physiotherapy exercise becomes a necessary road to rehabilitation. It is through these exercises that patients can regain muscle strength, improve joint mobility, and boost functionality. Here, we present a few types of physiotherapy exercises that therapists may recommend after joint replacement:

  • Range-of-motion exercises: These exercises aim to enhance joint flexibility and mobility. Activities may include ankle pumps, knee bends, hip rotations, and shoulder rolls.
  • Strengthening exercises: These exercises focus on the muscles surrounding the affected joint to reinforce muscle strength and endurance. Examples are leg raises, wall squats, and calf raises.
  • Aerobic exercises: Aerobic exercise is crucial in improving cardiovascular endurance, promoting weight loss, and enhancing overall fitness levels. Low-impact activities such as cycling, walking, and swimming are preferred.
  • Balance and coordination exercises: Joint replacement surgery may affect balance and coordination, and these exercises can help improve these skills. Examples are standing on one leg and using a balance board.
  • Resistance band exercises: Resistance bands are utilized to improve muscle strength and range of motion, with exercises such as shoulder rotations and leg extensions.
  • Aquatic exercises: Aquatic exercises may be an excellent option for patients who cannot tolerate weight-bearing activities due to pain or discomfort. Water walking and water aerobics are examples of aquatic exercises.

What complications does physiotherapy prevent after joint replacement?

The human body is a delicate instrument, and the healing process following joint replacement surgery can be rife with potential complications. Fortunately, physiotherapy after joint replacement and the inclusion of specific exercises can help patients prevent these issues from occurring. Here are several complications that can be avoided with the aid of physiotherapy exercises:

  • Deep vein thrombosis: Blood clots can form in the deep veins of the legs, causing pain and swelling. Physiotherapy exercises can help improve blood flow and reduce the risk of clotting.
  • Pulmonary embolism: Blood clots that form in the legs can break off and travel to the lungs, potentially causing a life-threatening pulmonary embolism. Physiotherapy exercises can help prevent this by promoting circulation and improving breathing.
  • Infection: Joint replacement surgery carries a risk of infection, which can be reduced with proper wound care and physiotherapy exercises that strengthen the immune system.
  • Dislocation: The joint replacement may become dislocated if the muscles around it are weak or stiff. Physiotherapy exercises can help strengthen these muscles and improve joint stability.
  • Stiffness: After joint replacement surgery, it is common for patients to experience stiffness in the affected area. Physiotherapy exercises can help improve flexibility and range of motion, reducing the likelihood of long-term stiffness.
  • Nerve damage: Joint replacement surgery can result in nerve damage, which can lead to numbness, weakness, and even paralysis. Physiotherapy exercises can help improve nerve function and reduce the risk of nerve damage.


Physiotherapy after joint replacement is a crucial component in ensuring a successful recovery. With the help of physiotherapy exercises and guidance from a qualified physical therapist, patients can increase their range of motion, build strength, and improve their overall fitness levels. By following a personalized physiotherapy program, patients can also effectively manage pain and inflammation, prevent complications, and achieve a faster and smoother recovery. For those seeking the best physiotherapist in Ahmedabad, look no further than Dr. Niraj Patel, whose expertise and experience in physiotherapy make him a trusted and valuable resource for patients on their road to recovery.

benefits of physiotherapy

9 Wonderful Ways Physiotherapy Benefits You

You must have heard about physiotherapy. It is a process that combines the available information about the body and its functions to spot the lacking area. Medical processes are implemented in the patient’s assessment as well as treatments for physical improvement. Apart from the assessments and treatment procedure, there are several preventive steps taken for the possible conditions to maintain the overall wellness of the patient. There are various programs of customized physiotherapy for the patients according to their needs and requirements to make the body return to the natural as well as the prior level of functioning as well as to enhance the overall health. The doctors take primary care of the patients through physical therapy by analyzing the first signs of the patient’s problem.

9 Benefits of Physiotherapy Taking Care of the Patient’s

  1. Elimination of the pain and reduction of the damages

Physiotherapy is a therapeutic body exercise that is performed by the patients to increase and enhance their physical mobility. The techniques are used such as soft mobilization with the help of various modalities such as TENS. IFT, as well as ultrasound, helps the patient to reduce the pain due to issues such as tendonitis or arthritis. The activity enhances the muscle strain to restore the functioning of the body Even the therapist uses ways the prevention the pain or return of the body.

  1. Avoiding consumption of drugs and surgery

In many cases, the surgery is a must but there are several cases where physiotherapy can help to avoid the health and heal the deformities while being in the early stage. You must have heard the doctor suggesting to some patients about the pre and post-rehabilitation.  It is a set of physical exercises that helps the body to regulate as it is supposed to while mitigating the complications at the same time. Physiotherapy helps reduction of cost in medical expenses such as surgery.

  1. Overall, improves the coordination and gains strength

Physical therapy helps the patient to do exercise s well as suggested stretches to help them improve the overall functioning of the boy while gaining strength. The exercise helps to assist the body while reattaining the coordination of the body through assistive devices. There are some techniques in Physical therapy that uses rehabilitation techniques to eliminate the symptoms and other physical issues.

  1. Improves the cardiovascular functioning and lung capacity

The process of physiotherapy helps the patients who have experienced a stroke to improve their ability to attain balance, degree of fiction as well as regular movements. These exercises help the patients to retrieve their usual activities for daily living. They ask you to regularly perform breathing exercises which will help restore the lung capacity up to optimal level. The exercises which will be done through physiotherapy allow the blood to circulate efficiently from head to toe.

  1. The patients who are recovering from a sports-related injury

The physical therapist will make the patients understand the significance of each exercise and ask them to perform it regularly. There is always the risk of the patients attaining a few specified conditions such as ACL Tear, Golfers Elbow, Hamstrings strain, and much more. The exercise is created especially for the patients who have sports injuries and accordingly draft them overall looking at the extent of damage and offer the preventive exercise to the patient by ensuring a safe return to the sport.

  1. The issues that come with age can be cured

You must have seen elder people struggling with issues such as knee pain, elbow pain, and difficulty while walking which comes from age. Other issues which can hurt a lot are Osteoporosis, arthritis, Dementia, Rheumatoid, Neck pain as well as back pain also happens with an increase in age. All these stated earlier issues can be treated through regular physiotherapy.

  1. Improves the mobility as well as normalizes the movements

Sometimes an individual can be quite restricted in the movement. This happens majorly due to joint fracture, Muscle Stiffness, or Tennis Elbow. Through continuous physical therapy, one can reduce pain and attain a cure for the bugging problems. They will mainly ask you to do proper stretches, and exercises for strengthening which will help you to restore the moment to the fullest depending upon the individual’s capability and effort.

  1. The patients can have vascular conditions, as well as help, manage diabetes problems

Diabetic patients must visit physiotherapy to reduce common pain they face in the shoulders, knees, and back. This mainly happens due to some misjudgments of sugar levels. Physiotherapy helps one to set out a plan to relieve diabetic pain through specific exercises asked by the professionals in controlling the sugar levels. The therapists will help to educate the students on the conditions such as Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetic Foot, and much more.

  1. Improving the health of women

Women go through a lot of changes in their bodies. The changes that happen can be related to pregnancy, and pelvic pain during periods and postpartum. All the issues and pain can be treated through physiotherapy. There is a special treatment suggested by the expectant that can be a treatment for bowel incontinence, fibromyalgia, breast cancer, and constipation. All the exercises must be done regularly, and all the suggested sessions must be done properly for better results.


We have explained the meaning of physiotherapy in detail as well as stated some benefits of physiotherapy. If you are facing any of the issues stated above or want personal attention to be relieved from the pain, then visit physiotherapy as soon as possible. We would recommend you one of the best physiotherapy doctor, Dr. Niraj Patel. He is considered one of the finest doctors for this process and works in the Om Physio Plus Nutrition Center in Ahmedabad. You much get yourself checked first and then the treatment session will be planned according to your body requirements.

exercise after Knee Surgery

5 Types of Exercises to Be Avoided After Knee Surgery

Knee injuries in today’s world have become so common that if choose you as a random person, still you might have someone related to you suffering from knee-related problems. This is due to the exertion that the knees must go through gradually in everyone’s lifetime. People often experience degeneration of cartilage in their knees because of this exertion as knee injuries. When this happens the condition of injured knees always takes a downhill path.

As human mobility is completely dependent on their knees, without the functioning of knees a person cannot even stand. Knee surgery is a procedure to substitute some of the important functions of our knee by installing an artificial knee in the place of the one which is natural but non-functional.

The fact that the efficiency of a natural knee cannot be replaced by any artificial means, results in the restriction of the movements that the person who has gone through a knee surgery makes. Immediately after knee surgery, it is advised to people that they perform some specific exercises for the recovery after the surgery but there are some exercises to be avoided after knee surgery too.

Here are 6 types of exercises to be avoided after knee surgery


Exercises that involve sitting for long periods of time such as some yoga positions are harmful to a replaced knee. This is because prolonged sitting causes the blood supply to have obstructions in the knee while circulation. If this obstruction in the blood supply occurs within 2 or 3 weeks of surgery, there is a great possibility of the formation of blood clots? This can lead to immensely uncomfortable symptoms in the knee.

Weight lifting

There is a reason that after knee surgery, the patient is required to walk with the assistance of walking equipment such as a walker for at least 3 months. Even after one has recovered from the surgery, in these three months period a patient is advised to not even bare their own weight. To ensure this the patient is restricted to walking up the stairs too. Therefore, weightlifting exercises are to be strictly avoided after knee replacement surgery.

Sprinting and jogging

Speaking in the terms of force applied, any kind of exercise that include fast sprinting or even slow jogging exert much higher force on the knees in comparison to when we are simply walking. It is obvious that after knee surgery, the operated knee must not bear much force as there is the artificial knee has fragile bonds with the other parts of the leg and can be damaged easily because of running.

Skipping and jumping

For the same reasons as sprinting, physiotherapy doctors advise the patients to not involve in activities that include jumping of any sort. This is because these kinds of exercises can impact the knee with more force than jogging. So, this is a higher risk of damage in these exercises than even running.

Contact sports

Sports that require the players to be contacted with each other during the game are known as contact sports. Patients after knee surgery are required to avoid participation in these kinds of sports for longer periods even after the recovery as they can lead to unbearable traumas to the knee resulting in the disorientation of the artificial knee.

Some examples of the contact sports to avoid after knee surgery are as follows:

  • Hockey
  • Soccer
  • Football/ Rugby
  • Basketball
  • Boxing
  • Skiing
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Badminton

What exercises are good for your knee surgery

Movement is necessary after knee surgery, but this movement should be controlled and under the supervision of an expert. Some of the exercises that are advised to perform after knee surgery are as follows:

  • Careful stretching of the leg: You will be asked to put an elevation under your heel and first move your toes in front and back motion. Then you will be asked to try to stretch your leg with the help of the assistance of a practitioner.
  • Assisted bending of the knee: To ensure mobility after the recovery of your knee surgery your physical therapist will make you perform the exercise of knee bends. This exercise will require you to slide your foot towards your hips and hold the position of tension for 5 seconds.
  • Cycling: After the period of 4 months of recovery, light exercises such as cycling, and swimming are really helpful to make your knee used to some exertion.


In this blog, we learned the types of exercises to avoid after knee replacement surgery. It is very important to stay active after knee surgery, but the movements should be controlled and beneficial.

To ensure the best assistance for your exercises after knee surgery, contact Om Physio Plus Nutrition.

Chiropractic Therapy

6 Benefits of Chiropractic Therapy

One of the most common health problems prevalent in today’s world is related to joints and bones. The reason for this issue becoming a serious common problem of the world population is the consistent denials of actual treatment people must hear from the doctors. Now as this problem is arising as new chaos for working-class people, they are starting to wonder if there is any other reliable treatment for their condition. Here is where the practice of chiropractic therapy comes in. In this blog, we will intend to make us first understand what chiropractic therapy is and then layout 6 benefits of chiropractic therapy

What is chiropractic therapy?

Any medication or medical procedure is done on the patient relies on the miraculous property of the body to heal itself. Now medications act as the catalysts for certain natural metabolisms and procedures act as the reordering techniques to put the disordered function of the body back into its own form. Chiropractic therapy is based on the same principle of the body to heal itself on its own but to manipulate the healing of problematic bones and joints; it uses the assistance of specialized hand movements and varying pressures. The purpose of these manipulations is the eventual pain relief by realigning some joints and bones, tissues, and muscles.

Some benefits of chiropractic therapy

Relieves back pain

The general treatment of chronic back pain may include going through surgical procedures and being on painkillers. These painkillers can become a cause of long-term kidney-related issues and therefore are much harmful than being a treatment. Chiropractic therapy is an effective substitute for the harmful and invasive treatments of back pain. By using the procedure of manipulation of the spine, chiropractors can improve the issues related to back pain by a significant statistical amount in the USA.

Relieves pain caused by osteoarthritis

Among the types of arthritis, osteoarthritis is the one that causes gradual degeneration of cartilage between the joints. One of the most common areas of the body where the symptoms of this condition can be felt is in the knees. When the cartilage between the joints of the knees degenerates, the bones rub against each other causing immense pain. As it is a known fact that cartilage regeneration cannot be done by any procedure in the world, the same applies to chiropractic therapy. However, it is seen and made evident that the pain caused by osteoarthritis can be significantly minimized by chiropractic therapy. Chiropractic therapy can also slow down the degradation in cartilage caused by osteoarthritis

Reduces headache

People, for whom the work orients around a desk and a chair, tend to have tensed necks. This tension in the neck becomes apparent in the body through consistent headaches. Through the manipulation of the spine, chiropractors can relieve this tension in the neck and cause headaches in the affected person relieved.

Reduces the bent in the spine

In some people, due to some unproven reasons, the spine can become deformed in such a way that a bent is created in it. This condition is known to be scoliosis. Chiropractic therapy is proved to be the most effective treatment of this condition. By far 8-10 weeks of chiropractic treatment is said to have inevitable improvements on the deformed curvature of the spine.

Improves posture and increases serotonin

Poor posture can be easily related to lowered serotonin levels in the body. The amount of serotonin in the body is directly linked to the person’s confidence level. Bad posture can be a cause of those conditions which you may have never imagined to be linked to it, such as social anxiety, depression, etc. Chiropractic therapy can be used to correct improper posture caused by inappropriate sitting or sleeping.

By solving the problems in the posture chiropractic therapy treats the following conditions linked to it:

  • Reduced eyesight
  • Headache
  • Leg pain
  • Reduced confidence

Helps to be athletically more active

Chiropractors specialize in the specific manipulation of your joints and bones. By relieving every tension in your spine and other joints of the body, chiropractic therapy helps you to be more mobile and flexible. These improvements in the body are the cornerstones of the performance of every good athlete.


Chiropractic therapies are mainly used to treat musculoskeletal disorders. These disorders mainly include pain as their symptoms. Sometimes the disorder of a patient requires the assistance of both chiropractic and physical therapy. The practice of chiropractic therapy requires the manipulation of different body parts with the hands. For these therapies to be effective and beneficial, one should ensure that they are getting treated by an expert chiropractor.

At Om Physio Plus Nutrition, you will be provided with all the above-mentioned benefits of chiropractor therapy because our practitioners are only from experienced backgrounds.

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